Friday, April 13, 2012

   Make up is a special product that brings out the beauty in  girls, whether is eyeshadow, mascara, or just eyeliner. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but behind every female there's a flaw ad you can either accept it or you'll see the fake person that make up brings out. I swear you can have the ugliest face that was ever made but when you put that make up on your the prettiest female ever. You know the myth "Guys go by what they SEE and Girls go buy what they HEAR", that's why girls wear make up and boys say anything just to get a girl. This is sad because girls would do anything to have clear pretty skin just to attractive. But when the day is over and all that make up is washed away its back to your normal self. I fear make up because it can become your BFF and it will really be there forever. Through the ugly days, sick days, sad days, it will never turn its back on you.