Friday, March 23, 2012

I am black and I feel ugly 

I'm brown-skinned but I'm always worried about getting darker. I was in a summer program where we

went away for three weeks and it was mainly outside. I have a regular, boring, average, dark brown eyes.

I  hate it. I think its so corny, but I think colored contacts don't look real and just make someone look

insecure like they're unhappy with the way they look or need colored contacts to feel pretty. I think they

just look weird, the colors aren't even realistic. I have a round nose. I hate my nose. I'm envious of Latina

girls or Middle Eastern girls because they look exotic. They all look different and some of them have very

pretty eyes. They also have long hair that they don't have to worry about it falling out for putting too

much heat on it, sticking straight up in the air, falling out for sleeping on the wrong kind of pillow or not

oiling it. I just don't like being me. I don't like being black. How can I get over this and find beauty within

myself? I feel so ugly all of the time and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of looking at other girls and thinking

"Why can't I be like that?" I know this sounds bad, but it's just the way I feel. :(

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